Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Research Article Review

Research Article Review 
"Science Class: A Place Where Children Should Be Seen and Heard"

Teaching science in any school setting, but especially elementary school, is difficult. It is difficult because science needs to not only be detailed when taught, but also hands on. Also, most schools aren't leaving much time for science anymore. In your classroom, you need to manage your time perfectly to be able to fit in science as well as everything else. Teaching science should include you speaking, as well as the students speaking, as much as possible. Hershberger writes, "The careful structuring of time for analyzing data in small- and whole-group discussions gave students confidence as they shared." Giving students the chance to talk and discuss, in science and every other subject, gives them confidence and inspiration. Talking makes students curious, in turn making them curious about science.

Science is a tricky subject, how to teach it and how to give students what they need. You must teach science in all different ways, direct and inquiry, It is also helpful to break your class into small groups. This gives all your students a better chance on engaging themselves more into the lesson. In the article, the teacher breaks up her class into small groups and her results were great. More students were able to share their thoughts and were more confident in sharing. The teacher was able to get more involved in the conversation with her students and everyone was seen and heard.

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