Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Getting to know you activty

Getting to know you activity!
On our first day of field work we did an activity to get to know our students. As a future teacher I think that it is extremely important to get to know your students personally and know their interests and dislikes. Know personal things about your students makes it easier for you as the teacher and more fun for them, the students. You can use this information to gear your lesson and also, it shows your students that you actually care about them and their needs. The "Getting to Know You" activity should be fun and the students shouldn't be concerned about doing anything right or wrong. 
For our "Getting to Know You" activity, our group made a big flower, since we are focusing on science and plants, and on each petal was a different, personal question. The students went around taking turns and picked a petal. The teacher would read aloud the question and that one student would answer. Having something hands on and fun looking for the first day is important because it gets your students attention and excited to move forward in their learning with you. Our first day as science teachers getting to know our students was fun and exciting! The students were highly engaged and had a fun time getting to know us and their fellow classmates!

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