Thursday, October 18, 2018

Getting your students engaged

Getting your students engaged!

Something that I've noticed, and even noticed when I myself was a student, is that the more engaged and hands on the lesson was, the more likely I was so remember and learn from it. During this course, every group that has taught science has done something hands on. Wether it be the students moving their bodies in a particular motion, having a physical object in front of them or doing an experiment, learning needs to have a hands on aspect. Not only does this make the lesson more worth remembering, the students have more fun in their learning. Not only in science, but in every topic/lesson you as the teacher should fine a way to get the students engaged and in charge of their own learning. But when it comes to science, it is extra important. 
Science is a hard subject, it has many aspects to you and it is factual, just like math. Some students just can not learn from taking notes and watching the teacher do something. They need the be the ones physically doing something to be able to retain the information. While teaching science I noticed that the students want to learn what you have to say, but some just have a hard time staying focused when they realize how difficult it may be. So when you get your class moving and involved, you catch their interest and attention again. One group of teachers even had the students all stand up mid note packet and act out how a plant would act during a process. Some students found it funny and others were just bored, but ethier way, everyone participated. Just participating is going to help these bored students remember this new information. In the end, as the teacher I think you should make it a priority to find a way for students to get hands on in everything you do, especially when it comes to science. It way seem silly useless at the time, but remember that in the end you are helping your students to learn better! 

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