Thursday, October 4, 2018

Science experiments in a classroom

Science Experiments in a classroom!

Doing engaging and fun things in an elementary school classroom is always a bit crazy but definitely rewarding. Doing experiments in any topic but especially science is essential to your students learning. Hands on experiments are things that students remember for a long time and reminisce on when thinking about what they did in school. At 20 years old I still remember multiple experiments I did in school, but couldn't tell you one thing I read from a textbook. Making the experiments the perfect balance of crazy but educational is the tricky part. The second students see that they will be doing an experiment they obviously get excited. But as the teacher you need to be able to keep control of your class and make it clear that they can only do these fun things if they listen and act professional. Some experiments can be solely done by you the teacher, but it is definitely more fun when every student can do it individually, or at least in small groups.

Group 3 did an experiment with our fourth grade class and overall it went pretty well. When they first were handing out the materials and explaining what they would be doing, the class got crazy, but that is expected. The class was excited to do something hands on and work with actual plants instead of pictures. Throughout the experiment all the students seemed on task and more focused than if they were just doing a worksheet. They all seemed eager to figure out what would happen in the end. In the process of doing the experiment, the students also experiences the steps a real scientists take, such as a hypothesis, questions, and conclusion. In the end, doing experiments with your students is very beneficial and they definitely learn more than a worksheet if done the correct way!

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