Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Plant Reproductive Parts

Plant Reproductive Parts

Today we watched group three do their lesson on the reproductive parts of plants. It was the direct instruction day and they did a very good job of presenting the information. They stuck to the basic yet went into detail of what every part did, which is perfect for 4th grade. They mentioned the stigma, ovary, pistil, receptacle and stamen. These are the main parts for plant reproduction and are used by plants to procreate. Teaching a topic like this to 11-12 year olds is very difficult because they are at that awkward stage where any talk about reproduction is something they don't want to involve themselves in. But, group three did a great job of staying professional and sticking to the lesson they had planned.
When talking about plants reproducing, most just assume pollination is the main source. Although this is true, there are many different parts to this process. Every part of the plant is involved, down to the roots, stems, and leaves. Seeds are a very important part to the plant reproductive process. When seeds spread, more and more plants grow. The seeds are extremely important because they are what causes the plant to spread. The seeds must be protected and be in a potion to easily detach from the flower and make it into the ground of the surrounding areas. Overall, group three did a very good job teaching this subject, This topic is not only difficult to teach to fourth graders because of their age, but it is also hard to teach because of the information that needs to be presented. The fourth grade definitely got a lot out of this lesson and, not only them, but myself learned a lot as swell!

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